Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Should I not enjoy Rudyard Kipling’s works because he was a “white colonial”? There is a difference between reading critically and dismissing people because you did not like some statements they make.

Larissa, the Christian priest also professes "love" for the Damned Heathen (as well as little children). Liberalism and Orientalism are just the western and 'modern' versions of Abrahamic Taquiya or propaganda.

In this instance you would have to dismiss many things in our own culture including parts of our own texts that talk of pouring hot oil into the ear of a shudra if he tries to learn Sanskrit….

Doctrines and Beliefs, such as that postulated to generate the caste "system", are not the causes behind actions in societies such as India or Japan. Statements in our scriptures have to viewed in such a light. These dilemmas arise only when an Abrahamic sensitivity is applied to these narratives.

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